N.B. Synopsis of Mind Battling© An Animal Health focused Negotiation Skills- Copyrights Eyad Harfoush- 2007

We usually experience numerous negotiation transactions during our daily life, while in most of times it is a casual negotiation that we conduct unnoticeably, sometimes we face a situation wherein negotiation process is linked to a vital outcomes that will affect our lives greatly. Herein we need to go a step beyond our intuition and use the harvest of human experience in negotiations in a diversified array of fields. This is simply what negotiation skills is all about. Knowing that in business life, every negotiation is vital a way or another, this training module is developed with a special concern to animal health industry. Aiming to equip animal healthcare professionals with a concentrated, yet efficient knowledge and skills in this vital direction.
Defining Negotiation
Negotiation is an interaction of influences, where interested parties resolve disputes, agree upon courses of action, bargain for advantage, and/or attempt to craft outcomes which serve their mutual interests.
Negotiation in Business Environment
Your negotiation in a business environment is essentially guided and influenced by many spheres of conditions and rules. These can be summarized as:
Negotiation is an interaction of influences, where interested parties resolve disputes, agree upon courses of action, bargain for advantage, and/or attempt to craft outcomes which serve their mutual interests.
Negotiation in Business Environment

- Your local laws, social norms and governmental practices
- Structure of the industry wherein you operate
- Your supply chain and intermediaries circuit.
- Your competition style and negotiation norms
- Nature of your customers
- Your company roles, needs, status and norms
These all-together form your negotiation environs.
To Negotiate, to Influence or to DecideNegotiation
Negotiation skills are the set of skills qualifying for better comprehension of negotiations’ process, behaviors and substances. Through which a negotiator learn how to set and attain the best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA)

Negotiation skills are the set of skills qualifying for better comprehension of negotiations’ process, behaviors and substances. Through which a negotiator learn how to set and attain the best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA)
- The context of negotiation
- The parties to negotiation
- The tactics adopted.
- The sequence and stages of negotiation

Negotiation behavior refers to the human element of negotiation, including;
- Relationship among concerned parties
- Communications means and contents.
- Negotiators’ styles.
- Level of moral and ethical commitments.
Negotiation Substance
Negotiation substance refers to the subject of negotiation;
- The agenda
- Negotiators’ influential positions
- Interests of each party.
- Options to resolution attainment
- Agreement and consensus attained.
Negotiation in Animal

- Animal health in its production animals’ side, is an industrial market, or business to business market in a sense. Wherein your customer is a trained negotiator by practice if not by science.
- The negotiation power of intermediaries dramatically increases when you do not possess the right access to the industry.
- Talking about Egyptian market, the expected integration, specially in poultry sector, will surely affect the BATNA of your customers positively by increasing his volume and share in total production. Price pressures are much expected. You only can in such situation improve your BATNA by improving your services and decreasing your back-of-office costs. Thence you can compete in such a tough market.
Copyrights© 2006. Eyad Harfoush
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