On Assassination of Benazir Bhutto
The barbarian ashes of the world did it, assassinating the brave lady of Pakistan, one of my early models of feminine character, the personified beauty, the pretty rose of Indian subcontinent, they assassinated "Benazir Bhutto". The freaked-out rats of Qaida did their former threats, assassinating the former prime minister, who lives in elective exile in Dubai for 8 years, before she return home last October. When the coming election parameters favored here, they killed here with a suicidal bomb. They fooled a son of bitch young man, convincing him he will be admitted to heaven of God, if he assassinated the cute lady and the strong diplomat of Pakistan. May God burn in hell the assassin and all the devilish organization behind him. I do not agree to many aspects of Benazir's policies myself, but this does not make me less grievous on her murder.
This was the last thing I needed to get out of my low-motive mood I had over the past weeks. It only came to me as an extra dose of depression to resist the trials of recovery.
رحم الله بنازير بوتو
ولعن الله القتل فى الدنيا كلها
متى سنتعلم ان حلول مشكلاتنا وخلافتنا بالحوار وليس بالاغتيال
حزنت علي بوتو ليس بسبب حبي لها لكن بسبب كرهي الشديد للعنف و مفاوضات الدماء
ما حدث لها ما هو الا ارهاب رخيص اغتيال شخص لن يقضي علي فكره الاغتيالات و لغة الدم هي حيلة الضعيف متي نتعلم الحوار و التفاوض و الاحترام
i couldn't help feeling depressed myself. i know i have been telling you over and over to get out of your negative mood.. but seriously this was more than i could take.
still.. one warrior is down.. this must motivate us to be stronger and more determined to fight till the end. there is no other way. we have to resist.. we have to hold on to our ground.. we have to be solid.
those sons of bitches are hidden in their holes like rats. throwing one brainwashed kid every now and then to bomb himself and take the lives of many innocent people along with him on his illusionary trip to heaven. it is so bad that none of these miserable bomber comes back to tell us what was waiting for him. but i imagine his horror when he doesn't find a single virgin to f***. i don't know whether to laugh or cry. it is a tragedy of a different kind.. you can't take it seriously, yet you can't disregard its damn serious effects.
عزيزتي أيوية
لعن الله قوى التطرف و الخسة من المؤسسة الشرقية الأمريكية التي تحرك ساكن البيت الأبيض ، إلى الفئران المذعورة بجبال الأفغان و باكستان ، سنتعلم حين نعرف أن الجهاد لم يكن أبدا غير دفاع شريف أو حرب فرسان ، أما مجاهدي قتل النساء العزل فدين الله منهم بريء ، و يبرأ منهم الناس و يلعنهم اللاعنون
عزيزتي إيمي
مبروك الشغل الجديد أولا ، اما عن بوتو ، فقد احتكمت للشعب الباكستاني الذي انتخبها مرتين و بدا من الشواهد أنه سيفعلها لثالث مرة ، احتكمت للشعب فاحتكم الكلاب للغتهم التي يعرفون ، لغة المودودي التي يجيدونها ، العنف و الخسة
Dear Ms Intellect in person, sorry, meant Fantasia,
You know what, I do not tend to talk about afterlife, as it belongs to the creator of days in my belief. Yet, I think all fanatics will be surprized with what waits for them. Eternal surprize.
As for the virgins matter, it is all linked. The other coward Khaled El-Gendy, who was talking about slave girls, allow raping them as Halal, is not much better than this assassin. They think about God with their lusts and sexual complexes. Greetings
Dear Dr. Harfoush,
I,m sorry to read that you are depressed, I hope it wont be long.
It is sad news what happened to the former prime minister.
I believe it's a much bigger power behind her assassination than a crazy suicide bomber.
she was lured to come back to meet her fate. and these days the convenient hanger is islamist, forgetting that the late Bhutto was elected twice by none other than Muslims who loved her and millions still do.
let's not fall for the anti Muslims rhetorics and take it as a fact, may Allah bless her soul. and may you pass this hard time safe and well.
Dear Eyad,
It is indeed a horendous crime. I am sorry for her.
But I hope we learn that dividing people along religous lines is a big mistake. Pakistanis are Indians, Iranians are made up a non homogenous mix of Turks(Azeris), Indians ( Belluchis), Arabs in eastern Iran by the Arabian gulf, and finally persians. We- the Arabs are Arabs. Countries like Iran and Pakistan can only justify their existance on religous basis- which is not useful or practical in our case.
Meanwhile, Pakistan and Iran exhibit considerable envy of Arabs because of their common culture and work their best to discredit Artab integration and unity. I am not against an all Islamic cooperation. But given the the attidude of those countries, I go for a building big fences with Pakistan and Iran...because even among the moderate elements of those two states, they have got nothing to offer but an umimpressive religous project.
Dear Mahmoud,
Thank you for your visit, kind comment and wishes. You know I am a Muslim myself, and I know for sure that Islam is much far from violence and terrorism. I did not proclaim it to Muslims at all, Qaida and the related satanic foundation of terrorism I do not see as Muslims, they are terrorists and that is it. Pakistant Abu Al-Ala Mawdoudy ideology and writings were always the fuel of terrorism. The early Egyptian terrorism advocate S. Qatb, with my respect to his earliest works in Tafsir, got drifted after his exposure to Mawdoudy and fall in his trap. Kind Regards
Dear Amro,
I can agree with you for Pakistan, you can only get drifts from there. At least to my knowlege and judgement I did not get any modest understanding from their. And yes, it is a man-made nation based on faith like Israel.
As for Persians, who are Iranians now, they can claim the same about Egyptians. Ancient Egyptians, then Hellisnistic affections, then Coptic christian then Arabisation by Arabs.
Thank you for your valuable comments, which is only expected from your good self. Regards
Dear Eyad,
It seems that I couldnt relay my point well.
Iran is not made up of Persians only, there are other ethnic groups- In the north there the Azeri Turks who insist on being Turkish, on the west of Iran there are the Arabs of Ahwas who are being killed and deported as they insist on speaking Arabic and reject the Persian language. Finally we have the Pakstani Belluchis in the spouth west who are fightiong for independence. Persians are only 50% of Iran.
The comparison with Egypt is not valid, as contemporary Egyptians are a very homogenous group.
Honestly speaking, we get from Iran more terror than Pakistan.
It is their fanatic ideologies that resisted the most progressive and successful Arab rennaissance in 20th century through the fanatic slogans of horrible freak Khomeini.
After having allyed themselves with Americans at first, now the Iranians in power in Iraq who take their orders from Tehran insist on dividing the country along sectarian lines, and in collaboration with Iranian intelligence and occupation forces are wiping out all secular and Arab elements-sunni and shiites alike .
With their religous fanaticsm they are doing Israel a great favour. Because Arabs now have to deal with the more imminent Iranian horror to save their brothers in Iraq.
Also they are doing Israel the a pricelss favour by speading ignorance and fanaticsm on the wrecks of the once modern secular enlightened-Iraq as well as dismantling an Arab country that was really capable of tilting the balance Israel in favour of Arabs
Dear Dr. Harfoush,
I'm just following up to my earlier comment, I know you are a Muslim and in my humble opinion a good one too, I happen to agree with your writing more often,and I consider you one of the defenders of enlightened Islam.
when i wrote about those who like to slander Muslims and Islam at every opportunity, i didn't mean you at all, I meant those who always use their hatred and disagreements to write nonsense and spread venom, instead of being objective and lay the blame on groups that follow individuals like AL mawdoodi etc...cause i don't hear those sharp critics speak out when an individual of other believe commit a crime such as Hitler who was blessed every Sunday by the church, or by radicals in Israel who are encouraged by religious leaders to do what they do everyday.
but you are worthy of my respect and every Muslim who wishes Islam well.
keep up the good work and accept my kind wishes.
Dear Dr. Harfoush,
I'm just following up to my earlier comment, I know you are a Muslim and in my humble opinion a good one too, I happen to agree with your writing more often,and I consider you one of the defenders of enlightened Islam.
when i wrote about those who like to slander Muslims and Islam at every opportunity, I didn't mean you at all, I meant those who always use their hatred and disagreements to write nonsense and spread venom, instead of being objective and lay the blame on groups that follow individuals like AL mawdoodi etc...cause i don't hear those sharp critics speak out when an individual of other believe commit a crime such as Hitler who was blessed every Sunday by the church, or by radicals in Israel who are encouraged by religious leaders to do what they do everyday and dare to link their actions to their religion... ironic!
but you are worthy of my respect and of every Muslim who wishes Islam well. keep up the good work.
please accept my best wishes.
Dear Amre,
what I like about our mutual respect to each other is we do have different focuses. Mine on the dangers of the US devil power and fanaticism. Yours on the Persian risk on Pan-Arabism. I admit you have much more knowledge about the Iranian matter much more than what I do. So, I can not argue more here. Thank you for being here :)
Dear Tarek,
Thanks a million for choosing the article for your synopsis. It is my pleasure and honor. Regards
Dear Mahmoud,
Thank you for your kind visit and clarification dear. It is my pleasure and honor that you found some of my points convincing in understanding our great faith.
You are very true when you say about Catholic faith, which was one day inflamed with hatred and spreading it allover the globe. Same applies and more deeply rooted in Judaism.
But you know why my friend everyone is linking it to Islam. It is we-Muslims, and our behavior. When the Pop of Vatican gave a harsh tones comment once on Islam, he was forced by the civil world to regret it. Now, when thousands of fanatics, explain the 5th verse in Repentance Surah as a license to kill Jews and Christians unless they convert or pay tribute. When thousands among us claim the verse to be unrelated to its temporal reason and unrelated to specific time and that we are requested today to apply it. Can we force him to regret it, so we keep the image of our shining faith?
You know dear, I always say, if Islam was promoted to the secular world in the right way, it would have been the most popular for many reasons. But it is if…only if. Thank you and please visit frequently.
رحم الله هذه السيده الرائعه التي كانت دوما تتمني التقدم لبلدها و لكن يد الغدر امتدت لها قبل ان تكمل مسيرتها
انشاء الله العام الجاي يكون افضل لك صديقي و كل سنه و انت طيب و بخير
عزيزتي أجندة حمرا
أعتذر لتأخر الرد على تعليقك ، رحمها الله ، و رحم الأحياء من نيران التخلف و البربرية التي تدعي الإسلام ، كل عام و أنت و كل من أحببت بألف خير
تحياتي و تقديري
د. اياد
يبدو ان عالمنا اصبح يخلد كل ما هو قبيح
ويقضى على كل من تحمل اعماقه بذره من الشجاعه او الجمال
لقد اغتيلت لأن بالرغم من المحاولات الحقيره التى حاولت تشويه صورتها
لازالت تملك القدره على التحدى
لو كانت فاسده حقا
ما كانت اغتيلت
بل كانوا ضموها الى باقى قطيع الفساد فى الحكومه الباكستنيه
لا اعتقد حقا ان القاعده وراء مقتلها
اما من وعد بالجنه وبالحور العين
فليحترق بالجحيم
لقد قتل
النفس التى حرم الله قتلها
لعن الله عليه وعلى امثاله
الذين يشوهون كل جميل باسم الدين والحق
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