
محور الشر-01

بين الوطني و المحظورة

سولت لي نفسي مساء أمس، أن أفعل أمراً لا أفعله إلا نادراً، و هو مشاهدة التليفزيون، أغراني به حلقة من مسلسل "أم كلثوم" ، و التي ما لبثت أن انتهت ، لأعبث بالقنوات حتى أرى وجه المرشد العام للإخوان المسلمين ، السيد "مهدي عاكف" امامي في مؤتمر صحفي، و كعادة النفس، امارة بالسوء، وضعت الريموت جانبا لأسمع ما يقوله الإخوان عن خوضهم لانتخابات المحليات بقرابة الستة و أربعين مرشحاً، و انهم سيخوضونها بشعارات مغايرة للشعار التقليدي للجماعة "الاسلام هو الحل" و سيحل محله شعارات أكثر تحديدا و لها علاقة بالمحليات، و بالطبع بين كل كلمتين، التباكي المعروف و المألوف على الاعتقالات و الجماعة المضطهدة و الدولة التي تحيك ضدها المؤامرات من إصدار قوانين خاصة لحجب الجماعة عن العمل السياسي، لتزوير الانتخابات و غيرها إلى آخر القائمة الاخوانية المعهودة ، و لم أملك نفسي من الضحك و انا أسمع كلمات السيد "مهدي" و الدكتور "محمد حبيب" حول اضطهادهم، و أتساءل، لو أنكم بالفعل مضطهدين و مقاومين من الدولة، فانى لكم بهذا المؤتمر و هذه اللافتات و المنصات و الفضائيات؟ أكل هذا ليس معلوما و مصرحا به من أمن الدولة؟ أم أن هذا المؤتمر الحافل عقد في كابول؟ أضحكني أكثر بيان الجماعة المنشور على موقعها و التي نصت فيه على أنها ترى في خوض الانتخابات واجب ديني، و كان لي تساؤل أيضاً، و عندما قاطعتم من قبل، ألم تكونوا على دراية بهذا الواجب؟ أم أنكم ستجدون كعادتكم غطاءً شرعياً لكل موقف و كل عمل؟ فإذا خضتم الانتخابات كان خوضها واجب ديني ، و إذا قاطعتم تصبح الانتخابات من الكبائر؟ لماذا لا تقولون ببساطة أنها السياسة بمناوراتها ؟ تقتضي هذا حينا و ذاك حينا؟ أما المضحك المبكي فكان عرض الإخوان على الكنيسة ترشيح ألف قبطي على قوائم الاخوان، و هو العرض الذي رفضته الكنيسة من جانبها، بسبب موقف المرشد السابق "مصطفى مشهور" من الأقباط و موضوع الجزية المشهور، أضحكني العرض لأن الجهتين المتحاورتين كلتيهما ليست جهة ذات كيان سياسي، لا الاخوان و لا الكنيسة ، فليس أي منهما حزب قائم ليتم تحالف انتخابي بينهما ، لكن بما أننا في زمن الغباء، في زمن تضيع فيه الهوية القومية و الوطنية و تسود الهوية الدينية فقط، فلا عجب ، بما أننا في مجتمع يعتبر الفصل بين الممارسة السياسية و الدين كفراً، فليتجاذبوا و يتنافروا كيفما يشاؤون

اعتاد البعض في مصرنا المنكوبة ، أن يبرر ميله للإخوان و تعاطفه معهم بكراهيته للحزب الحاكم، على طريقة المستجير من الرمضاء بالنار ، فمن نظام شمولي فردي إلى نظام شمولي ثيوقراطي ، يا قلب لا تحزن، و هو بهذا يتجاهل الرابط الوثيق بين الاثنين ، الحزب الحاكم و الاخوان، في علاقة جدلية معقدة يصبح الواحد فيها ، رغم عدائه للآخر ، عنصرا حيويا لحياة هذا الآخر و استمراره ، و كأنهما معاً محور للشر يقع بين طرفيه الشعب الحائر الذي يكذب عليه الجميع، أما حيوية كل منهما للآخر ، فهذا ما نبدأ هذه السلسلة من المقالات به، و هذا بيانه

الوطني و سياسة عفريت العلبة

لجماعة الاخوان المسلمين و التي يحب النظام أن يسميها "محظورة" فوائد جمة و لا تحصى لهذا النظام و هي في وضعها المعلق هذا ما بين ترك المجال لها تارة و تضييقه عليها تارة، فلا تعوم و لا تغرق، و هذه الفوائد أهمها دور البعبع أو عفريت العلبة ، الذي يلوح به النظام لكل من النخبة المثقفة بالداخل ، و التي تخشى يوما يصبح فيه الاخوان في السلطة ، فيخلعون قناع الاعتدال ، و يمارسون نماذج شمولية مقاربة لنماذج السعودية و أفغانستان ، و يفصح جوهرهم عن مكنونه، و يخرج علينا الملالي بالتكفير و التفجير، كما يلوح به أيضا و هو الأهم للمجتمع الدولي ، لتخفيف الضغوط التي تمارس عليه من حين لآخر ، لتحسين أوضاع الليبرالية و تداول السلطة و حرية التعبير ، على طريقة "الحرية هاتجيبلكوا دول" كما حدث بعد المرحلة الأولى في انتخابات مجلس الشعب الأخيرة، اما أهم الأدوار على الاطلاق فهو دور الاخوان في التمرير الدولي لعملية التوريث ، نعم ستكون ورقة الاخوان و الذعر من وصولهم للسلطة هي الجسر الرقيق الذي سيعبر عليه الابن ليحتل مكان أبيه ، خوفا من حدوث فراغ سلطوي يستغله الاخوان ، و هذا هو الدور الذي من أجله يفتح النظام شهية الاخوان تارة و يضرب على يدهم تارة ، فنحن لا ننكر الاعتقالات ، و لا بعض نماذج الاضطهاد ، لكن الاخوان أيضاً لا يجب أن ينكروا بعض الأيادي البيضاء للوطني منذ نهايات التسعينات ، فالهامش المسموح لهم باللعب فيه أصبح كبيرا جدا لو قارناه بأي فترة عدا أوائل السبعينات ، و هكذا ، فالنظام أحرص على وجود و استمرار و ازدهار الاخوان مما يظن أغلب الاخوانيون، فعلى جسرهم يحقق أمنية عزيزة عليه ، و على جسرهم يحتفظ بصولجانه حتى يورثه لمن يشاء، و قد وصلني بعد نشر المقال ، نبأ حديث فضائي لأحد مشايخ السلفيين ، فض الله فاه و فم كل منافق، يفتي بأن الشرع لا يحرم توريث السلطة إذا أخذ المورث "البيعة" للوريث ، يا الله، أشبهت الليلة البارحة ، ففي يوم من الأيام ، أصبح الخليفة السادس في ترتيب حكام المسلمين هو "يزيد بن معاوية" ، و هو لمن لا يعرف، سكيراً لا يفيق ، عربيدا لا يكبح جماحه وازع من دين أو خلق ، شاذا جنسيا بميله الاجرامي للأحداث من الذكور و للحيوانات ، خاصة القرود، أصبح هذا المسخ خليفة لأن شيخاً ديوثاً أفتى لأبيه بأن من حقه أن يأخذ البيعة لابنه بحياته، فكانت خيارات الأمة وقتها البيعة ليزيد أو العرض على السيف

الإخوان و أوتار الفساد و الاضطهاد
حين نفكر في شعبية الإخوان المسلمين التي كادت أن تقارب شعبية الوفد في مرحلة ما قبل يوليو ، و نحاول بحث أسبابها، نجد تلك الأسباب عديدة متشعبة ، يأتي على رأسها الرسالة الدعائية السهلة و الميسورة و صعبة النقد في آن معاً ، فشعارهم الإسلام هو الحل ، يضعهم في نظر جموع الشعب في موقع الخلفاء و الوارثين للمجتمع الإسلامي الأول الذي يسمعون عنه في خطب الجمعة و يقرأون عنه في الكتب المبسطة ، مجتمع المدينة الفاضلة التي يحلم بها البشر منذ فجر التاريخ ، و هم في دعايتهم هذه لا يكتفون بمجتمع الصدر الأول الذي كان المدد النبوي مازال يعينه على أطماع الدنيا ، لكنهم يسحبون عباءة المجتمع الفضل على جميع الخلافات انتهاء بخلافة أبناء عثمان طغرل الطاغية الظالمة في تركيا ، فلو افتقرت للعدل فقد كانت تحفظ لنا العزة و الكرامة ، و بغض النظر عن كون هذا كذب بواح، فانه مقبول مستساغ للشعب الذي يعاني تحت وطأة الفساد و الخنوع و ضياع الكرامة السياسية ، كما أن هذا النوع يضع من يعارضهم في موقف حرج ، فهو لا يعارض موقفهم و فهمهم للاسلام و لكن يعارض الاسلام ذاته، و بهذا فهو كافر خارج عن الجماعة، و من الميسور اتهامه بانكار المعلوم من الدين بالضرورة ، فكانت دعايتهم الدينية مع بساطة ثقافة الشعب و أثقال الفساد الذي يرزح تحتها أول ما صنع شعبيتهم ، أما ثانيها فهو وتر الاضطهاد ، فهم يروجون لأنصاف الحقائق على أنها الحقائق ، فسيد قطب لم يعدم لضلوعه في مؤامرة اغتيال و لكن لانه مفكر اسلامي ، و يتناسون أن خارجاعليهم كتب في هذا كثيرا محددا بالتواريخ و الاشخاص أطراف المؤامرة ، مقرا بها و مفصلا لها ، كذلك تراهم يتفننون في وصف الاضطهاد الناصري ، و ينسون أن حكومات الاضطهاد الحقيقية كنظام البعث في سوريا لم تتح للاخوان الخروج من الوطن و الانتشار لجمع المال و الاتباع و المناصرين بدول البترول العربي ، كما حدث في الستينات، بل قضت على شأفتهم و كان بامكان الحكم الناصري القضاء عليهم وقتئذ، و كانت له القاعدة الشعبية التي تحميه و تدعمه في ذلك، المهم، أن وتر الاضطهاد هذا الذي يجيدون اللعب عليه و تنويع النغمات، وفر لهم غطاء من التعاطف الشعبي من الدهماء ، و وفر لهم صورة المناضل الشهيد من أجل مبادئه ، و حين زادت موجات التخلف السلفية و كثرت جرائمها ، أضاف الاخوان وترا جديدا ، هو وتر الاعتدال ، و هو وتر مصطنع غريب على نسيجهم ، فتراهم يقولون أنهم يناصرون حقوق الاقباط و كانوا بالامس يريدون منهم دفع الجزية ، و يؤيدون حقوق المراة و مازالوا ليومنا هذا لا يقبلون تصويت الأخوات في تنظيمهم الداخلي، و تراهم يقولون في برنامجهم الانتخابي لعام 2005 أنهم "ينبذون العنف للاعتداء على حقوق الاخرين" ، هكذا باللفظ ، فقط ينبذونه إذن حين يكون للإعتداء على حقوق الآخر، و كأنهم يعدون ليوم يستخدمون فيه العنف للحصول على ما يعتقدونه حقهم ، و مهزلة الأزهر مازالت ماثلة في الأذهان ، ثم تراهم يقولون أنهم حريصون على اقامة دولة دينية مدنية ، في خلط و هذيان واضحين ، نتجا عن الخلط الاساسي ، بين حياة المسلم في دولة مدنية و مجتمع مسلم و هو الصحيح ، و حياته في دولة دينية و هو ما لا يوجد به نص و لا يوجد له منطق، و يروجون لكلمة لا أصل لها و هي ان الاسلام دين و دولة ، بينما الاسلام دين و مجتمع ، و شتان بينهما ، و لا أظن بهم الجهل بالدين ، و لكن أظن بهم الغرض في الدين ، يأخذونه مطية لشهوة السلطة التي تبرأ منها مؤسس الجماعة، الشيخ "حسن البنا" رحمه الله، الذي أرادها جماعة اصلاح اجتماعي على اساس ديني و أرادوها هم غير ذلك ، فقال في الجماعة التي انحرفت عن مسارها منذ ذاك اليوم و حتى الان قولته الشهيرة "ليسوا اخوانا و لا مسلمين" فكانت مقولة مؤسسهم أصدق ما قيل فيهم حتى يومنا هذا

و غني عن الذكر أن دعايتهم تلك كلها تصبح بلا قيمة لو فقدوا صفة "محظورة" ، و يصبحون في نظر الشعب حزبا من الاحزاب الهيكلية الشكلية و ليس منظمة مناضلة، و اخبار الاعتقالات عشية كل انتخابات لو لم تحدث لاخترعوها اختراعا لانها "فلفل الطبخة" الذي يشعر الشعب المقهور أنه باعطاء صوته للاخوان يفسد مخطط الحكومة و يهدر اضطهادها لهم ، و هو شعور يحرص عليه كل مقهور ، فلو أن لدينا اليوم نظام حكم مدني حقيقي لما وجدوا فسادا يدعون مواجهته ، بينما عجزوا عن مواجهته في أنفسهم و في مؤسساتهم، و لما وجدوا اضطهادا يشحذون به همم الشعب ضد المضطهد الظالم ، لانهم في ظلال المجتمع المدني سيمارسون حقوقهم السياسية ، في اطار سيادة القانون الحقيقية ، لكنهم لن يستطيعوا ان يستعرضوا قوة و عدد و طاعة شبابهم في حرم الجامعات كمهزلة العرض الارهابي بالأزهر، لانه في ظل المجتمع المدني ، تعتبر الميليشيا جريمة عقوبتها السجن مدى الحياة أو الاعدام لو كانت الدولة تجيز الاعدام ، بايجاز ، لو قام مجتمع مدني حقيقي كالذي يتحدث عنه الاخوان في برنامجهم ، إذن لانتهت اسطورة الاخوان التي ازدهرت في ظل سيادة الجهل الاجتماعي و الممارسات القمعية

هذا هو محور الشر الذي يضع شعبنا بين خيارين كليهما مر بغيض ، شمولية فردية أو شمولية ثيوقراطية ، و هو عرض من أعراض محور الشر الأكبر في زماننا ، هذا الذي يمتد من سواحل الولايات المتحدة الشرقية ، حيث تتكتل الشركات الرأسمالية العالمية التي تحرك سياسة الولايات المتحدة و العالم غرباً، إلى مهد التطرف الإسلامي بالعصر الحديث في باكستان و أفغانستان شرقاً، النطرف الراسمالي و التطرف الديني ، الجنون الاستهلاكي من الغرب و الجمود الديني من الشرق ، التطرف اليميني و التطرف الديني ، هذان اللذان طالما التقت مصالحهما على أرض أفغانستان باكستان بالأمس ، و التقت و لا تزال متعانقة في السعودية ، هذان العدوان في الظاهر و كل منهما يدعم الاخر و يقويه فعليا حتى و لو لم يشعروا ، كل منهما يعطي للآخر غطاءه الشرعي أو الدعائي و يعطي للآخر سببا قويا للوجود ، و لكن لهذا حديث لاحق إن شاء الله


Simple Man Quotes

From the Sayings of an Ordinary Man

hese are the quotes of a simple man, who happened to live once in Egypt. Hi-Ku-Btah, the land of paradoxes, also the land of wisdom. He used to write down his quotes, but not a single time before he thought to publish it, he understands he is too simple to have his quotes readen by anyone. Hereunder some of my quotes, from business and life, and from love to politics. Wish you enjoy it.

Business Quotes:

  • A businessman, must be a man in first place, then we talk business
  • In the world of business, if you 'F' you better 'F', if you foreplay, you better fuck
  • We should do things not the way it is usually done, but in our very own way. Thence, it dawns uniquely and ends unprecedentedly
  • Fortunately, success is addictive. Unfortunately, failure produces tolerance
  • I am working for money, we all do' Well, every dog imagines the whole universe is sweating on bones
  • Try the ecstasy of turning things better. This is your first mission in this Universe. Therefore, your Creator linked it to the utmost joys
  • Justice is not the foundation of an organization, it is the foundation of success itself
  • 'Not very caring of money', a man who sensed a moment of glory.'Not very caring of titles', a man who loves the nudity of his name
  • 'Sir, I suffered agonizingly from the unjustness of your predecessor' imagine him saying the same to your successor, and expound accordingly
  • If persistence is there, capabilities can be developed. If cerebration is there, disciplines can be coached, if both are there, you have a raw material of an exceptional caliber

Life Quotes:

  • 'Dwelled his entire life in definite happiness' biography of a stillbirth
  • Daylight reveals everything, except truth. It reveals in darkness, only to those who have the courage to face it
  • Who said none is perfect? Everyone can be, if he perfectly lived himself. Among humankind, perfection is coherence
  • Some wine makes you sensuous, too much makes you senseless. Some love makes-up your life, too much turn it down. Also some certitude makes you spiritual, too much makes you spiritless
  • Aquatic it was, the initial material of life, and its utmost holiness still manifests in babies and poets eyes

Death Quotes:

  • Nothing is absolute but death, when you see a beloved one, after life has deserted him, you materialize what absoluteness is
  • I fear fatality for one thing; I did not convolute my heritage into substance yet. I have it all in a soft mass that disintegrates moments after death
  • It is not death what I fear; it is the first moment after it

Political Quotes:

  • Do you expect me to plunge my hand between lion's jaws? No Sir, you can keep it away from the lion and from leadership too, leadership is not a typical game for fainthearted kittens
  • Do you expect me to plunge my hand between lion's jaws? No Sir, we all know you are too coward to do. We only request, you don't praise a fox calling it a lion
  • War and peace heroes, those are the martyred warriors, who deceased only to make peace obtainable...exclusively
  • How can I feed you? Typical disparateness of cracked geriatrics
  • I am accusing all ministers as well as the prime minister, and I am begging the wisdom of Mr. President to interfere. Signature: son-of-a-bitch
  • Cowards can only blame the second man, they blame Hajaj and bless Abdul-Malik, blame Qarqosh and bless Saladin. This is the maximal length of their guts

Woman Quotes:

  • It is five 'E's that turn a woman into a big 'E', educated, elaborative, elegant, easygoing and estrous, these five makes an ecstatic phenomenon of a woman
  • Woman is the rocky shore for a man. Man is the sweet and sour grapes for a woman. A little suffering is very essential in both, however, the steaks deserves
  • Keep surprising him, keep impressing her and her mates, therefore, you both keep your beats unceasing
  • A pretty lame-brained woman is still interesting to men, as interesting as a cigarette after dinner, choose this for yourself if you wished"


Iran & Others

Studying the Nature of Arab-Iranian Relations

During an online discussion with the dear friend Amr Al-Abyad, his opinion was Iran is an enemy to Arab nations and Pan Arabism, maybe not less than Israel case. Amr had plenty of points justifying his attitude against Iran, you can study it here. However, I will not discuss these points here, I will assume it to be true (except for those related to Hezbollah, that I know personally it is not, this I shall discuss later) and go for studying the reasons of this anti-Arab hatred among Iranians.

During Bosnia & Herzegovina war, and like any other Muslim on earth, I was intimidated. However, when I am intimidated, I do not demonstrate and burn flags, as I believe this changes nothing, I prefer to read and study the matter, to figure out the way led us into it, therefore I can imagine a way-out of it. Studying the problem by that time, I went back to find the seeds in Balkan wars, era of the Eastern Question. I found the seeds of hatred put by Turks in the 19th century to create a heritage of hatred among Serbians against Muslims and Islam. Specifically against Bosnians, who are believed to be partially Albanian rooted, descendants of those who accessed the domain during Turks domination. With a similar fashion I will access the Iran Question, and share with you some answers, only to the best of my knowledge and judgment.

Iran and Roots of Hatred
Worthy to say first that Persia held a special status among the nations dominated by Islamic Empire in the 7th & 8th century. Maybe this status played a role in keeping Persia with its distinctive national identity while others were Arabized. We have the fact that while Egypt and the historical Sham were great nations, they were already captured as parts of the Eastern Byzantine Empire capitalized in Constantinople. Being part of a previous Empire for decades, had surely facilitated these nations acclimatization to be part of Arabic Islamic Empire, to mutate overtime into prosperous Arab nations themselves. North African countries were divided into small cities on the shores of Mediterranean with cosmopolitan nature, and Barbaric desert tribes inwards. Therefore, it was easily Arabized as well. Iraq was itself a province of Sassanid Iranian empire for nearly 10 centuries until the Islamic domination replaced the Iranian (Today, this still affects the Iraqi-Iranian relations in specific). Persia was different, it was a glorious empire, apart from the defeat Kesru II experienced against Hercules of Rum in the early 7th century. Only until it was captured by the Arabic Islamic Empirical forces. It was the first time for Persia since mellinia to be a follower state or a province of others, this stands as a major factor resisting the stains of the new Empire. This is typically why Iran became Islamic, however, non-Arabic state.

Moreover, during the Arabic invasion, Arabs were misled enough to destroy the statues and monuments, under the impression that these statues were worshipped, while Iranians were Zoroastrian not pagans, they worshipped no idols. Somehow, violence took place in Persia more than other captive states, maybe due to more resistance. Needless to mention the sayings that Iranians were welcoming the Arabs conquest is ridiculous. As ridiculous as those about the Copts wlecoming Arabs. Even an army of angels upon conquist of a city, will have a drifting elements who causes a more or less turblence here and there. This is never welcome to the conquered nation.

However, this lead Iranians to hate Arabs somehow, but not Islam, the tales about Iranian conspiracy against Islam is simply baseless, as fictious as the tales that Iran adopted the Shiites Islam to destroy Islam from within! Whoever adopts this belief, ignores the fact that Iranians were Sunni Muslims for nearly 1000 years, before the Safavid dynasty roles, shifting the official religion from Sunni to Shiites Islam.

We should remember also, that prolonged suppression of Shiites all through Islamic history from Umayyads dynasty onward, added a punch of hatred toward Sunnis, who were named by their Shiites opponents as Nawaseb, meaning those who fought against Prophet's descendants, as a response to Sunnis who called them Rawafid, referring to their rejection to the -so called- agreed on Caliphate.

Iran, Shiism & Geohistorical Implications
It was the facts of history and geography not conspiracies what linked Iran to Shiism since very early in Islamic history. Iran and Iraq altogether were the land fertile for Shiism linked by geography and historical events. During the latest part of his struggle against Umayyads, Imam Ali headquarters were shifted to Kufa in Iraq. Wherein, majority of battles and major events took place, and wherein also Imam Ali, supposedly was buried after his death as well as good number of his Imam descendants. Logically, Ali's army and allies, Shiite Ali, were the nucleolus of today's Shiites communities, those who lived in Iraq and western Iran, who commemorates their defiance to Ali and Hussein with webbing and weeping rituals in memories of Karbala. Moreover, it was normal for Shiites under the Sunnis Caliphates, to live in the perephries of states, in Iraq, Iran, Eastern lower Gulf…etc. as the cantonal life is the only choice before the oppressed minorities.

Modern History
Disputes between Iraq and Iran is historical, not border related, only like those between Serbians and Bosnians. Extending from Sumerian era to the modern history, in addition to the 10 centuries before Islam wherein Iraq was an Iranian province, it was captive again under Iranian power during the Safavid empire and until Ottomans conquest over Safavids, to capture Baghdad as late as the 17th century. While border disputes extended until the British power imposed itself, declaring the Kingdom of Iraq, after World War I in 1920, succeeded by crowning of Faisal ibn Al-Hussein as King of Iraq in 1921. Border disputes continued until the 50s of the 20th century, during which the Arab-Israeli dispute took the major focus of Arab nations including Iraq. Then, after Nasser's defeat in 1967, and later on his death in 1970, the matter of border disputes, specially the oil rich Khuzestan became to focus again. Amazingly, from 1969 onward, Iraqi media started to deal with Khuzestan as an Iraqi province, calling its Arab and tribal inhabitants to revolt against Iran. Also a dispute about three islands in the Gulf, that belongs to UAE!!!, and Shat El-Arab waterway dispute. These all kept warming things up, until 1974, when Iraq first attacked Iran troops near Shat El-Arab.

Khomeini, who is mocked up today by Iraqis, was a favored guest of Saddam Hussein, the vice president to Al-Bakr by this time. Simply because he was an opponent of his enemy, Shah of Iran, and once the Shah bribed Saddam with disclosure of anti-revolution organization in Iraqi army, that happened to come to Shah Iran knowlege through the HQ of CIA in the Middle East, that was flagged as US Embassy in Iran, Shah alarmed Saddam and Al-Bakr, Therefore, in return, Saddam exiled the Iranian revolt, Khomeini, who was in his sixties by that time.

When the Islamic Republic was declared in Iran, a fear was rising in Iraq as well as all Gulf monarchies from revolution export from Iran to the neighboring countries, based on Khomeini statements about "spreading the word of truth and facing the Great Satan of America", the interests of Iraqis with long history of dispute and hatred, met with the interests of panicking Gulf monarchs. Altogether with the interest of Americans to suppress the revolution in Iran, which did not only deprive them from their faithful servant Shah-n-Shah, but also captured their agents in the US embassy of Tehran, in a worldwide humiliating act to the US glory. It was then when Saddam launched his, so called, Qadissyiah against Iran in 1980. Iraq succeeded first to capture Khuzestan. However, Iranians regained it in 1982 counterattack. Only before the war starts, Saddam exiled 100s of thousands of Shiite Iraqis from the border zones, as he believed their loyalty to Iraq was questioned. They were Iraqis no doubt, but the arogant Sonni tyrant, who is protected to role Iraq under protection of his stream (like the case of Asad family and Alawi stream in Syria) ignored their nationality and exiled them based on their belief. This can never be calles a secular act !!

Iranian counterattack took place in May 1982, and in June of the same year, Saddam, showed his Pan Arabist face, asking Iran to give peace a chance, letting his army to withdraw in peace from Iran, so he can help Lebanon against Israeli invasion. Surely, he was not seeking the welfare of Lebanon, but his own. It was then when Iranians started to be the aggressors, as Khomeini not only rejected the peace settlement, but also stated he will continue the war until Saddam is fallen and replaced by an Islamic regimen!! Followed by Iranian attack targeted Bosra, however, it was a failure, and the Iranian causalities were severe. The war kept ongoing, hard on both sides, but none was willing to scream first. By the end of war, Iraq experienced some tactical victories, then both parties became interested in ceasefire by 1988.

Another hatred inflamming action came from the Egyptian former president, Anwar Sadat, while all the world, including his ex-supporters in USA refused to recieve the exiled Shah, who smashed the revolts under his army tanks before he knows he is a looser already and escape with his plane, his Friend Sadat welcomed him to Egypt. As this was not enough, Sadat started attacking the revolution there from day one, and before giving peace a chance. This lead Iranians later to name a street after the assassin Khaled Islambuli, who hunted down Sadat, which is a stupid thing also, but this is the case alltime. Blood calls blood, hatred calls for hatred, and idiocy calls for idiocy.

US Alliance with Iraq
With my due respect to Amr theory, stating the US support to Iraq during the war as Iranian propaganda, we have the following facts, all from the National Security Archives and can be found at'
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB82. Wherein you can find much more details, hereunder a glance of it

  • In June, 1982, President Reagan decided that the United States could not afford to allow Iraq to lose the war to Iran
  • In 1982, Iraq was removed from the US State Department's list of terrorist-supporting nations to ease the legal impediments for the transfer of "dual use" technology to that country
  • Commerce Department files reveal that the Reagan and Bush administrations approved at least 80 direct exports to the Iraqi military from 1982 to 1989.

About Irangate, we admit it proved US had sold weapons under Reagan administration to Iran, trading it against release of hostages in Lebanon, CIA agents headed by Buckley in Beirut. It was imposed on the USA by the hostage situation, not a choice, alliance or help to Iran.

In 1993, Hady Nasrallah martyred while defending the soil of South of Lebanon. Israelis-the everlasting USA allies- slaying Hady, the 1st son of Hassan Nasrallah, stands as a proof of Hady's faith as well as his father's deep belief. This is not typically the way people who sell out their countries behave. This is the way of real men and real patriots. This is one of the reasons make me stubborn when it comes to Hizbullah. Getting support from Iran and Syria, will never make me believe the propaganda of the Iraqi Ba'ath in this regard. Would I be in his place, I was to seek support even from Satan in person to free my land. Needless to mention that 2001 and 2006 wars stand as additional solid proofs of seriousness. While Saddam was trying to reach Jerusalem through Kuwait oil, Nasrallah known his way to the occupied south of Lebanon. As Mutanabi once said,

السيف أصدق أنباءً من الكتب *** في حده الحد بين الجد و اللعب

in 2003, upon Iraq invasion, US troops were assembled in Kuwait, not in Iran. In Jan 2008, George W. Bush urged Arabs to confront Iran, 'the world's leading sponsor of state terror' as he expressed.

We have an overt enemy, with whom we have an exsistence dispute. The day Israel will apply the international credos, giving up the occupied land in Gullan, Difa and Ghazza, is the day wherein Israel will loose 70% of its regional power. Then, they will never do it in peace. As for Iranians, what we need all to do, is to call for a new start, apart from the historical hatred. I was in a meeting in Sharm El-Shiekh, therein all country reps were available except the one from Iran. Because he failed to get the Visa, while Israelis can access as far as Sharm without even a passport!! What can we call this? Discrimination I can say, that fosters hatred and calls for more blood shedding. Let's wise up and save energy for our real wars.

Finally, I admit I am not an expert in the matter. However, I found no reason to desert the revealed truth to seek conspiracies. Moreover, a man whom I trust like my own self had visited Iran several times and had strong communication with Shah, Khomini as well other leaders. This man is Hassanin Haikal, and I trust the outcomes of his analysis, supported by documents about the Iranian revolution and Arab Irani dispute.


Immortal Slains

Those Who Died Before a Principle

Once upon time, lived a well educated man, and a friend of the famous poet Umar Khayyam, he started as a jurist and ended as a master terrorist. Hassan Sabbah, the master of Almod Catsle, who employed and trained the 2nd most reputed terrorism group in Islamic history, after Kharijites. Smoking hash and free sex with slave girls were parts of the hallucination package he granted to his mislead youth assassins. Therefore, the cult was named after Hashish, to be known during Fatimid era and after it as Hashashin. A word that fathered the term Assassin in Latin and Anglo-Germanic tongues later on.
During a visit to Martin Luther King Museum in Atlanta last week, a question beamed in my mind. Why a good percentage of great leaders throughout history were assassinated? I then remembered the common story we tell about Omar ibn Al-Khattab, the 2nd Caliph in Islamic history, when a man saw him sleeping under a tree with no guards, and commented, "O' Omar, you ruled justly, therefore felt secured enough to sleep" But was this statement concrete? Was being just enough to protect the leader? I think it was not, best confirmation was Omar himself, had been dispatched by one of those who abhorred his justice. They do exist everywhere and throughout history. Unjust systems by nature usually have a beneficiary group that tends to protect and fix the regimen favoring it. Antagonistically, a fair leader, being biased to none, has no specific defenders. He works for the wide public, those who never understand how effectual the leader was before they lose him. Proving scenes from history are numerous,

- Omar ibn Al-Khattab- 644 CE

Every Muslim must have grasped ample values of Omar, apart from Shiites convictions about him that are surely unfair; his highest reputed value was justice. This did not prevent a grudging Persian coward, to stab him six times with a dagger, while he was leading prayer in the mosque of Medina. Abu-Lulua the Magi, the assassin, was caught and killed on Omar death, two days after the assassination occurrence. (The rumors linking the shrine of Baba Shuga El-Dien in Kashan, Iran, to this man is fiction created by troublemakers to inflame hatred among Sunnis and Shiites, the man was killed and buried in Medina)

- Ali ibn Abi-Talib- 661 CE

My ceaseless prime role model, the fair judge, the even-handed Caliph, the freedom fighter, the philosopher of Islam and the founder of Logical Interpretation scholary in Islamic juristic history. All this was not sufficient to guard him from the poisoned sword of the son-of-bitch zealot, who though himself a fundamentalist, Abdurrahman ibn Mulgim. The terrorist Kharijite, revenging Ali's conquest over his Qaida-like battalion in Nahrawan. Ali's honorable blood was shed also in the mosque of Kuffa. However, his tomb is controversial between Iraqis who claimed it to be in Najaf, and Afghanis who claimed to be in Mazaar Sharif. Surely the Iraqi story sounds more logical being closer to the factual place of death. However, in history, you can never be very sure.

- Saif El-Deen Qutuz- 1260 CE

What the classical movie Waislamah did not tell in the story of Muzaffar Qutuz, is the sad end of it. When Qutuz and his prime general Bibars Bondukdary disputed after Ain Jalut battle. Bibars wanted to be an independent governor of Aleppo in Syria, while Qutuz perceived it as fragmentation of Arabic power after defeating the first wave of Mongols, a risk that is highly expected to rise again shortly. Standing before his ambition, Bibars decided to slain his Jihad partner, assassinating Qutuz in the way back to Cairo, to jump on the Egyptian throne as the well-reputed Sultan Rokn El-Deen Bibars.

- Abraham Lincoln – 1865 CE

After his speech in Ford's theatre, supporting the civil rights of the newly freed slavery of USA. For this human creed intention, he was assassinated by the fanatic Confederate Booth, who shot the president with a shotgun, that delivered the bullet to back of his head, to die in the next morning. Being commemorated in humankind hearts with liberty. While Booth were commerated with vanity.
- Martin Luther King- 1968
This man's life was a miracle, achieving a leap in civil rights in his limited lifetime, could be expressed with what black Americans say about it, "He found us a place on the table". What a simple, yet, ultimately deep statement!! This honorable man was shot during an activity trip to Mississippi, although his presumed Assassin were tried and sentenced for 99 years. Kings family still insists the US government had a hand in the matter. His death stands with JFK one as the couple of rich conspiracy theory fields in modern history.

- Mohandas Gandhi-1948 CE

Being a Hindu who loved all the nation of Indian subcontinent, including Muslims, was enough sin as visualized by the fanatic Hindu Mahasabha. One of them, was the sick fanatic who shot Mahatma during his daily tour among simple publics in Delhi. God bless the Grand Soul and burn in hellfire all fanatics.

They were all catapulting leaders who had a principle to die before, Omar martyred before justice and the glory of Islamic Empire, Ali martyred before the noble values he represented against the pragmatism of Muawia and Amre. Qutuz martyred before chivalric ethics and unity mind sets, while Lincoln, Gandhi and King all martyred before equity, liberty and tolerance of the other. All slain on hands of tampering forces, who did not determine in them in power a craved benefit. What is the lesson we can figure out from all this? A good leader, can never even dream to be the favorite of everyone. It is a matter of conflict of interests. This applies today in every society, community or organization. On this I have a quote I said once in a business conversation "Whoever sweats to satisfy persons, not values or principles, will sweat forever and achieve nothing, keeping everyone happy is an urban legend"